Chesapeake Bay Preservation
Did you know? The Chesapeake Bay is surrounded by 64,000 square miles of watershed!
Our plans include living shorelines, rain gardens, variance and permitting plans that various cities and the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act require to work in any of the Resource Protected Areas (RPA). We all need to do our part in keeping the bay and its tributaries pristine. As a Certified Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional, David Chewey Landscape Architect can help you reduce the nitrogen and sediment at your site that is so detrimental to the bay.
If your residential property has a Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area, we can help you with the following landscape architectural services:
Sustainable Planting
Residential Living Shoreline Design
Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Variance Plans & Permitting
Wetland Delineation
Rain Garden/BMP Design, Inspection & Installation